Hip Dysplasia, causes, symptoms, and treatment.

Hip dysplasia
Hip dysplasia

Hip dysplasia is the medical term for a hip socket that doesn’t fully cover the ball portion of the upper thigh bone. This allows the hip joint to partially dislocate. However, most people with it are born with the condition. Dysplasia is also an irregularity in which the femur does not fit together with the pelvis as it should. It damages the cartilage, the tissue that cushions these bones in the joint. In addition, it can also cause pain and issues, ranging from a hazardous joint to dislocation.

How common is hip dysplasia?

About one of every 1,000 babies is born with this However, girls and firstborn children are more likely to have the condition.

Causes of Hip Dysplasia.

The exact cause of dysplasia is not known. It is widely accepted that hip dysplasia develops around the time of birth because the hip socket is shallower at birth than at any time before or after birth. However, hip dysplasia can develop if the baby’s position in the womb puts pressure on the hips. It can also be genetic.

Factors that reduce the amount of space in the womb include:

First pregnancy.

Tight swaddling with legs extended.

Large baby.

Breech presentation.


Pain in the hip.

Limping when walking.

The sensation of instability in the hip.

Unequal leg lengths.

Loose or unstable hip joint.


Hip dysplasia treatment depends on the age of the affected person and the extent of the hip damage. Nevertheless, infants are usually treated with a soft brace, that holds the ball portion of the joint firmly in the socket for a few months. This helps the socket mold to the shape of the ball. Also, the other treatment is physical therapy, exercise can strengthen the joint and improve flexibility. In surgery, in many cases, doctors repair the hip joint with operations such as arthroscopy.

What combination is associated with hip dysplasia?

Hip labral tear- this damage to the cartilage that lines the socket of the hip joint.

Dislocation of the joint- bones slides out of place in the joint.

Unstable joint- looseness in the joint that causes pain.

Osteoarthritis cartilage damage that causes hip pain and paralysis.

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