What is a tick-borne disease, signs, and symptoms?

Tick borne disease

Tick-borne diseases are spread through the bite of an infected tick. An infection brings them about with a range of pathogens and other types of bacteria. An estimated percentage of 80% of cattle are affected by this infection. The rise of tick-borne diseases is increasing at a higher rate in new areas.

Population change of tick hosts is one of the contributing factors to the rise in tick-borne diseases. Examples of tick-borne diseases include Anaplasmosis, Babesiosis, Tularemia, and Lyme disease.


Tick-borne diseases are caused by bacteria. In order to contract an infected tick must bite you. The bacteria gets into your skin making a way into your bloodstream. Additionally to contract a tick-borne disease one must come in contact with a tick for 3-4 days. Removing the tick as early as possible reduces infection.

Signs and symptoms of tick-borne diseases.


In most cases, the signs and symptoms appear in stages. Some of the early signs and symptoms include

  • A small bump on the skin.

A reddish small bump develops on the skin’s surface. However, the signs and symptoms that occur in a month include,

  • Frequent rash.

After infection by a tick bite from the third day to the thirtieth day a red area appears on the skin. The rash spreads slowly to 12 inches across. In most cases, the rash is not painful but it feels warm when touched. In some, the rash develops at different places on their bodies.

  • Fever

This is where one experiences an abnormal rise in temperatures followed by a shiver and headache.

  • Neck stiffness.

This occurs when a person finds it difficult to move the neck, especially when turning the head sideways.

  • Having a swollen lymph node.

These are small, soft and tender, and painful lumps. In most cases, they develop on the sides of your neck. However, they are mistaken for swollen glands though they are not really glands. Some of the later signs experienced include

  • Erythema migrans.

This is a frequent rash on the skin. This makes a person uncomfortable due to itchiness around the area.

  • Pain in the joints.

Severe joint pain and swelling tend to occur around the knees. The pain shifts around the joints.

  • Neurological problems.

A person may develop problems related to the nerves which affect memory. This can also lead to temporary paralysis of one side of the face.

Treatment and prevention of tick-borne diseases.

The best method to prevent tick-borne diseases is to avoid bushy, wooded, and grassy areas. A person can decrease their risk of contracting by

  • Covering up when in grassy areas with long pants or socks.
  • Applying insect repellents on the skin.
  • Ensuring the surroundings are tick proof b clearing the bushes.

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