What is rabies, its signs, and symptoms?


Rabies is a killer virus spread from animals to people through saliva. In most cases, it is spread through a bite. However, some of the animals that are likely to transmit rabies include bats, foxes, coyotes, and raccoons. Therefore, in developing countries, stray dogs are the most known for the spread of rabies to people.


The rabies virus brings about rabies infection. Infected animals transmit the virus through saliva by biting. So, in some cases, rabies is spread when infected saliva gets into an open wound or open membranes such as the mouth or eyes. An example is when an infected animal licks an open wound on your skin.

Signs and symptoms of rabies.

A dog bite causes rabies

Some of the signs and symptoms of rabies are similar to the flu and may last for a few days. They include

  • Hyperactivity.

This is a condition where one is too active on regular days. This is mostly found in children who have disruptive behavior among people.

  • Insomnia.

This is the inability to fall asleep during the recommended hours. A person may experience insomnia when affected by rabies.

  • Anxiety.

This is a constant feeling of worry. However, increased anxiety can be difficult to control, making it hard to perform your normal duties. In some cases, the anxious feeling brings better results and alertness.

  • Confusion.

This is a lack of certainty of what is going on or what is required. Too much confusion can be a sign of rabies.

  • Nausea

This is a feeling of disgust. In most cases, it is accompanied by an urge to vomit. A person can reduce this feeling by taking sweetened drinks such as soda.

  • Hallucinations.

This is an occasion where a person sees things that do not exist. People infected with rabies tend to hallucinate which leads to dangerous actions.

Treatment and prevention of rabies.

Once bitten by an animal a person should seek medical attention as fast as possible. According to the level of the injury, an injection is prescribed to the patient. Some of the factors to put into consideration in order to prevent rabies include

  • Vaccination of pets.

Pets such as cats and dogs should be vaccinated often. This helps in getting rid of infections.

  • Getting rid of stray animals.

Stray animals around the neighborhood should be reported to the local animal control officials to avoid the spread of rabies.

  • Chasing bats out of the compound.

This applies in homes where there are gaps or cracks. Bats prefer staying in such areas therefore one should close the gaps.

  • Protecting pets from predators.

In addition, pets such as guinea pigs should be caged to ensure protection from wild animals.

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