What is dementia? Symptoms, and Treatment?

Alzheimers Dementia organization in Kenya

Dementia refers to the illness that is often associated with memory loss and which in return affects the normal behavior of operating things in a normal human being.

Causes of Dementia

  • Dementia may be a result of head injury which affects the brain’s nerves leading to the malfunctioning of the body organs.
  • It is often a result of high blood pressure which has not been treated for a long time.
  • Some infections resulting from syphilis and have not been treated for a long period end up with major cases of Dementia.
  • A neurologic disorder that results in brain shrinking and leads to nerve damage which leads to less activity of the said person.
  • Some genetic disorders from families may lead to Dementia especially in ages below 50 years for example high blood pressure.

Types of Dementia

Alzeheimer's Dementia organisation in Kenya

Vascular. About 10% of the illness cases are associated with strokes and issues related to the flow of blood to the brain.

Lewy body. So, in addition to the typical symptoms known for people with dementia, people suffering from this form may have movement and balance problems for instance stiffness or issues of trembling. They also may experience a change in their alertness for instance daytime sleepiness, being confused, or staring spells. Also, they have trouble sleeping at night or have visual hallucinations, that is seeing what is not there.

Fronto-temporal. This type in most cases leads to a change in one’s personality and behavior due to the brain part it affects. People with this condition may behave inappropriately. Their language skills like speaking and understanding may also develop a problem.

Mixed. Sometimes one may have more than one type of dementia in the brain at the same time, especially those aged 80 years and above.  Therefore, in this case, the progression of the disease may be faster.

Alzheimer’s. It is the most common cause of dementia. It develops due to specific changes in the brain. The most common symptoms are trouble remembering recent events, like a conversation that lasted just a few minutes or hours ago. It advances with time to difficulty in remembering distant memories. Other symptoms that may occur are difficulty in walking and talking. Also, personality changes may come later. Family history is a great risk factor in this type.


  • A person suffering from Dementia often has difficulties concentrating on the given task.
  • Dementia patients are not aware of their locations and specific places in most instances.
  • Those suffering often forget most things that they knew earlier on.
  • They tend to forget where they had previously stored items.
  • Most people often find it hard in expressing themselves.
  • The person may often require assistance in doing some work that is not as it was earlier on.


There is no permanent cure for Dementia. However, there are ways in which this condition can be managed. The following are some of the ways;

  • Maintaining a healthy and balanced diet for a patient suffering from this.
  • Frequently involving them in physical exercise to lower general body stress and overthinking.
  • Ensuring that patients have a normal sleep routine and practice healthy living habits.
  • Having regular group visits with those affected to keep their mind active and ease the forgetfulness.
  • Administering supplements that will be helpful to the affected.
  • Managing the brain’s nerve injury through medications prescribed by the doctor.

Risk factors.

Brain injury– Injury to the brain may increase the risk of developing dementia especially if the injury is severe.

Bad health habits– smoking increases the chances of getting dementia. Also, people suffering from blood pressure and cholesterol are at a risk.

Family history– people with a history of dementia in their family, especially the nuclear family may develop dementia.

Age– age is the greatest risk factor for dementia. Therefore, people in the 65years and above are at a higher risk.

Ethnicity– Older African Americans are at a higher risk of getting the illness than whites.

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