Most Common Old Age Health Problems, Signs.

Old age common health problems

Old Age Health Problems are several and common. Old age is in the group of people who are from 60 years. There are certain health problems that arise when one grows older. In addition, these problems are sometimes hereditary or from the lifestyle, a person lives. However, these lifestyle problems are easily dealt with avoiding further problems. Being around family and friends is crucial. Moreover, these friends always know what is best for you and will work towards what best suits you. However, some of these diseases are curable while some are lifelong and one learns to manage and live with them.

1. High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is a disease affecting the arteries. This means that high pressure is used during the pumping of blood in the arteries. However, this requires the heart to work more than needed in the pumping of blood. In addition, the reading indicates high blood pressure when above 120/80. However, those with readings of 180/120 will be taken as emergency cases.

Causes of High Blood Pressure

  • Disease arising from the kidney.
  • Intake of illegal diseases such as cocaine.
  • Problems arising from thyroid.
  • Birth control pills.

Dangers of High Blood pressure

  • Heart attack or other heart-related conditions as a result of high blood pumping.
  • Heart failure as a result of overworking.
  • Issues relating to kidneys.
  • Memory loss results from less blood flow to the brain.

2. Arthritis

Old age common health problems image

Arthritis refers to one or more body joints of a human body swelling or being delicate. Moreover, this condition arises from the weak immune system where the body fights back its own immune tissues. Ages 40-60 are at high risk of contracting the disease. Pain in the joints starts when the joints have been used for a long time.


  • Having enough rest.
  • Regular exercise.
  • Therapy
  • Compressing joints using a hot cloth
  • In addition, taking drugs prescribed by doctors.

3. Coronary Heart Diseases

This disease occurs when body arteries fail to deliver enough oxygen-rich blood to the parts of the body.


  • Work stress
  • Sitting for long hours.
  • Irregular sleeping patterns with long working hours.
  • Exposure to radiation and toxins

4. Diabetes

Diabetes is a lifestyle disease affecting how the body converts food to energy. As a result, the body breaks down food into glucose and energy for the body and then releases it into the bloodstream.

Main Symptoms

  • Urinating often at night.
  • Being thirsty
  • Excess weight loss even without any exercising.
  • Tiredness most times.

5. Chronic Kidney Disease

Chronic kidney disease also known as kidney failure involves the loss of functions of the kidney. The work of the kidney is filtering wastes from urine before releasing them as waste.

Warning Signs

  • Body swelling especially on lower parts of the body.
  • The feeling of dizziness and fatigue.
  • Frequent urination.

Risk Factors

  • Heart disease
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Diabetes.

6. Heart Failure

This disease results when the heart fails to pump blood as it should without any problems. This is because the heart is too weak or stiff.

Signs of Heart Failure

  • Pain in the chest
  • Frequently fainting.
  • Irregular heartbeats with breath shortness.
  • White/Pink mucus resulting from coughing.

7. Depression

So, depression is the unstable mood of a person that results in them being sad or not having an interest in doing anything. In addition, those affected are always having negative thoughts.


  • When a person is often lonely.
  • Overindulgence into alcohol
  • Giving Birth and failing to have a helper.
  • Overthinking.

8. Dementia

Dementia is the state whereby a person fails to remember or think as before in making decisions. In addition, these people are said to work well and perform effectively without any issues.

Warning Signs of Dementia

  • Loss of memory on daily activities.
  • Having a problem with language.
  • A person is often disorderly.

Ways of Managing the Diseases.

  • Having a regular healthy diet that contains more fruits and vegetables.
  • By avoiding unhealthy fats and depending on natural fats.
  • Be cautious while engaging in various activities as more organs are delicate.
  • Encourage the use of large fonts, especially on phones, product details, and instruction manuals. In addition, companies need to large the expiry dates of some food products and other items.
  • In addition, ensure the homes where residing are safe from accidental occurrences and reduce falls.
  • Improvising on developing a positive skill or activity within the home area.
  • Spending quality time with old people and listening to their complaints without judging.

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