What is pseudomonas? causes, and effects.

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Pseudomonas is a bacteria mostly found in the environment. The bacteria survive mostly in moist environments. A warm and wet environment is a breeding area for bacteria. People with weak immune systems and those in hospital for surgery are more likely to be infected with pseudomonas. Pseudomonades are known microorganisms that bring an infection.

The infection happens in any body part but the symptoms are based on the affected part. Pseudomonas infection is most severe in already ill people.

Causes of pseudomonas infection.

A bacterium known as pseudomonas causes the infection. This bacterium is mostly found in soil and water. The widely known type that causes the infection is pseudomonas aeruginosa. Those at low risk of infection are healthy people unlike those with a weakened immune system. The bacteria mostly spread in health facilities through healthcare workers’ hands or equipment in the hospital that is not thoroughly disinfected. Some of the people who are at an increased risk of infection are;

  • Patients who are on chemotherapy.
  • Undergoing a surgical procedure.
  • HIV/AIDS patients.
  • Patients with foreign equipment such as a mechanical ventilator.
  • Patients with the presence of burnt wounds.

The infection also occurs after being exposed to hot tubs and swimming pools that are not adequately chlorinated.

Symptoms of pseudomonas infection.


Symptoms vary depending on where the infection has occurred.

A blood infection is one of the most fatal infections caused by pseudomonas. The symptoms are

  • Frequent tiredness.
  • Joint and muscle pain.
  • High body temperatures.

The bacterium can also bring about low blood pressure, eventually leading to heart, liver, and kidney failure.

Symptoms of the lung infection include

  • Coughing.
  • Breathing difficulties.
  • High body fever.

An infection of the skin often attacks the hair follicles and its symptoms include

  • The skin color changes to red.
  • Swollen wound with the presence of pus.

An infection in the ear causes symptoms such as

  • Pain in the ear.
  • Itchiness in the ear.
  • Hearing difficulties.
  • Ear swelling.
  • Frequent discharge from the ear.

Eye infections symptoms include

  • Pain in the eye.
  • Increased swelling.
  • Redness.
  • Damaged vision.
  • Discharge of pus.


Antibiotics are the widely known treatment for pseudomonas infections. Unfortunately, pseudomonas infections are developing a resistance to antibiotics making it harder to treat the infection. The following antibiotics can be used

  • Gentamicin.
  • cefepime.
  • Ticarcillin.

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