Who is Paolo Macchiarini, age, family, children, Imprisonment?

Paolo Macchiarini jpg

Paolo Macchiarini is a surgeon who was popularly known for research fraud and manipulative behavior. He has been convicted of research-related crimes in Italy and Sweden. He is also known for scientific misconduct and using plastic tracheas on patients.

Paolo Macchiarini age ,family and children.

However, he was born on 22nd August 1958, Basel Switzerland. Therefore, he is 65 years old. His current marital status is unknown but there earlier in the 1980s, he was married to an Italian woman named Emanuella Pecchia and they had two children. However, almost zero information is know about his parents or siblings and his children too. Once we get the information at hand we shall definitely let you know.

Was Alexander married to Paolo?

Alexander was a Brooklyn tv producer who fell in the trap of Paolo who was also known as the disgraced surgeon. Paolo allegedly used love and money to seduce the reporter to mask his allegations on fraud. He had made grand promises to her on marriage but the promises can only be named as hot air.

Paolo Macchiarini and Benita
Paolo and Benita

Imprisonment of Paolo Macchiarini

Paolo was imprisoned for thirty months for gross misconduct and causing bodily harm to a patient .He used to perform surgeries in tracheas and replacing the patient’s traches with a plastic one.

Paolo Macchiarini career

So, Paola obtained his medical degree at medical school of the university of Pisa, Italy in 1986. He is known to perform the first synthetic organ transplant where he successfully removed the left lung of a patient. However, six out of eight patients who received his trachea transplants dies later. This raised the question for his competency and as a result it was suggested that he had falsified academic credentials.

Paolo Macchiarin’s networth.

Paulo’s net worth is approximated to $5 million.

Quick facts

Name: Paolo Macchiarini

Born: 22nd August 1958

Wife: Currently status unknown. In 1986 Emanuella Pecchia

Children: 2, Names unknown to the public.

Popularity reasons: Research fraud and manipulative behavior

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