What is Brucellosis? Symptoms, Prevention and control


Brucellosis is a bacterial disease caused by many species of the family brucella which can be found in contaminated animal products for instance unpasteurized dairy products, meat, and blood infections. Animals such as cattle, pigs, goats, deer, and many others such as dogs. The disease can be transmitted from animals to people through the consumption of animal products infected with bacteria or when in contact with infected animals.

Occupations at risk of contraction.

People in contact with infected blood are at a higher risk of contracting Brucellosis example; dairy farmers, slaughterhouse workers, microbiologists, and veterinarians.

Geographical distribution

There have been higher incidences of the disease in the middle east, sub-Saharan Africa, and southern Europe including, Portugal, Spain, Italy, southern France, Greece, Turkey, Eastern Europe, and also The Caribbean.

Signs and symptoms of Brucellosis in humans.

Signs of Brucellosis in humans are similar to the signs of flu. These are;

  • Sweats
  • loss of appetite
  • Headache
  • General weakness
  • Muscle, joint, and back pain
  • Fatigue
  • Chills
Brucellosis passed through dogs

Signs and symptoms of Brucellosis in animals

  • The expectant female animal experiences abortion.
  • In male animals, there may be swelling of the testicles.
  • A condition called poll evil in horses causing swelling of the neck.
  • Arthritis, which brings swelling and pain in the joint of the animal.

Prevention and Control

  • Vaccination-This is used often so that the incidence of infection is reduced. Vaccines that use modified live viruses are available.
  • Wearing of gloves- This is when handling sick or dead animals or animal tissues or even when one is assisting an animal in giving birth.
  • Taking precautions in high-risk workplacesThese are workplaces like laboratories, slaughter houses. If you work in these places you should take protective measures and use protective clothing.
  • Cook meat thoroughly– The meat should not be undercooked.
  • Unpasteurized dairy food should be avoidedThere have been cases of Brucellosis linked to raw dairy products such as milk, cheese, and ice cream.
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