What Diseases are Related to Poor Nutrition?

Poor Nutrition

There are many diseases related to poor nutrition. Therefore, following the best nutrition as one grows older is important. This is because body tissues wear out and needs repair and replacement from time to time. This means that one’s choice of food will greatly affect how their body’s muscles and strength perform a certain activity.

Doctors and nutritionists advise having more proteins, low carbohydrates, and more fruits and vegetables. Most fruits and vegetables contain vitamins and roughage which is important in food digestion and strengthening body immunity. However, there are diseases that come as a result of poor nutrition.

Common Causes of Poor Nutrition

Living alone

An individual who lives in a home alone is likely to skip meals or live on one type of food. However, this leads to an unstable state of good nutrition. Most of them end up preferring fast food to cooking food at home. In addition, the preparation of these foods is not excellent for health standards.

Isolation from Social Groups

The social group refers to the group in which one fits perfectly in terms of age, maturity, and how well they relate with them. Most people often isolate themselves from others due to factors such as jobs and school. Most are too much into working and will not follow a good routine on best nutrition. Additionally, skipping meals has some bad effects on the human body. The body is always on fewer nutrients.

Less Knowledge About Nutrition.

People living in today’s life have little or no knowledge about having a diet with a balance of all types. This includes; proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, and vitamins among others. Having a guideline on a meal plan is essential as it is the best way of dealing with the problem. In addition, having a habit of following a routine makes one disciplined in proper nutrition.

What Diseases are associated with Poor Nutrition?

Diseases that are Related to Poor Nutrition


This results from eating unhealthy diets. Diets leading to this issue are high in fats which often is a risk to the heart. Too much fat leads to slow body activities of an individual. Obese patients need to exercise often for them to keep fit.

High Risk of Diabetes

This health condition affects how food eaten is later transferred into energy. Most food is later converted into sugar/glucose and released it into the bloodstream for energy. When blood sugar gets high, releasing insulin from the pancreas helps lower it.

Low Production of Blood Cells

Blood cells in the body comprise white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets. Red blood cells transport oxygen from the lungs to other cells of the body through blood circulation. Few amounts lead to a strain in managing to have all parts have oxygen. White blood cells fight viruses and bacteria from attacking the body. Individuals with a low number of white blood cells are often at risk of contracting diseases. Platelets help in blood clots. In addition, when one is injured and clotting fails to happen immediately, a lot of blood is lost.

Type 2 Diabetes

This condition occurs during the breakdown of sugar. People suffering from type 2 diabetes have low insulin levels which come from the pancreas. Most patients with this disease often experience fatigue, hunger, and thirst. In addition, they frequently urinate.


Cancer refers to diseases resulting from the growth of cells in abnormal ways. These cells affect the functions of other parts of the body as they often go to other body organs affecting normal functions. Moreover, the spreading of these cells leads to more functions of the body being altered.

Heart Disease and Stroke

Too much fat accumulating in the body makes most parts of the body have poor body performance. The work of the heart is pumping blood hence high fats make a person become tired after performing fewer jobs. However, patients with heart conditions die of stroke.

Eating Disorders

This means that a person has no specific diet they follow, but picks any food to feed at any day and time. This shows how a body goes under too much strain and struggles with matters regarding adjusting. In addition, these people suffer from constipation and low appetite.

Risks associated with Undereating.

  • Infertility-this is a situation whereby delay in bearing children at a certain age occurs.
  • One may have a low immune body system.
  • Anemia whereby a patient lacks enough blood in the body. However, in extreme cases, fainting and paleness of the skin are noted.
  • Delay in the development of some body organs.
  • Increase in complications during surgeries.
  • General body fatigue.

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