Signs of teething in babies and remedies.

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Teething refers to the process of baby teeth breaking the gums for them to be visible. This mostly occurs between 4 to 24 months of age although, to some babies, this might occur earlier. This is not something to worry about since every baby has a different milestone.

Signs and Symptoms of Teething

Different babies experience different symptoms during teething. Some experience none of those symptoms. Below are the signs and symptoms.

  • A crying baby accompanied by unsettledness in them. They will always be fussy.
  • Drooling
  • The baby’s temperature might go high which is termed high fever.
  • The baby might be interested in chewing hard items available to soothe the gums.
  • Their ear might hurt and will be most interested in trying to reach the inner part for scratching hence trying to pull it all the time.
  • The sleeping hours or sleeping patterns are interfered with since the baby is always restless brought about by mild pains.
  • Gums are always swollen before the teeth break out.
  • Most babies’ hands are always in their mouths for them to soothe the itching gums.

Severe Symptoms.

  • In some cases, a baby has severe diarrhea which can cause dehydration. In such a scenario, it is always advisable for a parent or guardian to seek immediate consultation in healthcare.
  • Most babies who are teething will often vomit. This is also a cause of alarm since some important body nutrients might not be absorbed in the body making them a little bit weak. Take immediate action when such kind of symptom is observed in your little one.
  • High fever can also be part of teething but this could be a result of other health conditions not necessarily the teeth issue.


Teething toy.
  1. Use a wet cloth-You can freeze a clean, wet cloth or rag and then give it to your baby to chew. This will help reduce inflammation in the gums. You as a parent may also help massage the gums with the cold rag.

2. Give cold food-feed cold foods like yogurt, and refrigerated fruit to babies that have already been introduced to solid foods.

3. Use teething biscuits– Give teething biscuits starting at 8 to 12 months of age. However, ensure gum hygiene is maintained to prevent the development of cavities. So, make it a habit to wipe the gum and teeth with a piece of clean cloth. Also as the baby gets more teeth, You can introduce a toothbrush although you don’t need toothpaste. You only need to brush the plaque which helps prevent cavities from developing later.

4. Using teething rings and toys-Rings and toys are  easy for the babies’ tiny fists to hold and also meet  the pressure needed to soothe sore gums

However, ensure that you have some pain-relieving medicines at home that will ease some teething pains as advised by your doctor before taking them for further consultation.

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