What are breast lumps? causes, and treatments.

Breast lumps
Breast lumps

A breast lump is a growth of tissue that develops within the breast. However, it may develop in both males and female. The female breast consists of different types of tissue. The two main types are the milk gland, where milk forms and milk ducts for milk to pass through to reach the nipple. Some breast lumps feel as tough. They have a distinct border, while others may feel like a general area of thickened tissue.


Possible causes of breast lumps include:

  1. Breast cancer.
  2. Fat necrosis.
  3. Lipoma (benign fatty growths).
  4. cysts or overgrowth of ducts.
  5. fibroadenoma, meaning noncancerous rubbery lumps.
  6. hamartoma, which a benign, tumorlike growth.
  7. intraductual papilloma referring to a small non- cancerous tumor in a milk duct.
  8. milk cysts referring to sacs filled with milk that can occur during breast feeding.
  9. an abscess or infection.
  10. injury

Types of breast lumps.

There are different types of breast lumps which include:

  1. Noncancerous lumps– the size, feel and texture of breast lumps vary differ considerably. The consistency may help a physican to diagnose what kind of a lump it is.
  2. Intraductal papillomas– are wart- like growths, that develop in the ducts of the breast. However, sometimes there is a bloody discharge.
  3. Cancerous lumps– this usually feels hard or firm. In addition, it typically has an irregular shape and it may feels as if it is stuck to the skin or deep tissue within the breast.
  4. Abscesses– it develop in the breast. They can be painful. However, nearby breast skin can become red, and it may feel hot or solid.
  5. Breast cysts– is a benign, fluid- filled sac in the breast . In addition, it usually feels smooth and rubbery under the skin. However, skme breast cysts may be painless, while others are quite painful.


  1. Bloody discharge from the nipple.
  2. The lump changes or grows larger.
  3. The breast is bruised for no apparent reason.
  4. The skin of the breast is red or begins to pucker like an orange peel.
  5. The lump does not go away after menstruation.
  6. Discover a new lump and how your Breast should feel . Breast tissue varies inconsistency, with the upper utter part of the breast being firm and the inner lower part somehow softer. However, in women, breasts can become more tender during the menstrual cycle. In addition, breasts tend to get less dense as you get older.


Doctors must determine the cause of breast lump before formulating a treatment plan. However, not all breast lumps will need treatment. Therefore, if the lump is found to be a cyst, it can be drained of fluids, usually, cysts go away after they are draining. In some cases, cysts do not need treatment and may disappear on their own.

However, if the lump is found to be breast cancer, treatment can include:

  1. lumpectomy or removing the lump.

2. mastectomy, refers to removing the breast.

3. chemotherapy, which means, the use of drugs to fight or destroy cancer.

4. Radiation, in other words, is a treatment that uses radioactive rays to fight cancer.

5. Antibiotics for a breast infection.

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