How to prevent excess sweat, causes.

Excess sweat

Sweat is a salty liquid produced in the glands in your skin. The nervous system controls sweating by triggering the sweat glands when the temperature rises. Therefore, sweating is normal as it is a process by which the body cools, and gets rid of chemicals not required. So, it is normal to experience excess sweating at times. For instance when you undergo strenuous exercise or when the temperature is too high.

Also, young people like teenagers may experience excessive sweating more often due to the changes occurring in their bodies. However, some people have hyperhidrosis, which is sweating excessively. Hyperhidrosis is divided into primary and secondary types. Primary hyperhidrosis has no identifiable causes while secondary hyperhidrosis is said to be brought about by a medical condition or effects of medication.

Causes of excessive sweat.

How to prevent excess sweat.
Excess sweat

Secondary hyperhidrosis-This is sweating due to a medical condition or even effects of medication. Therefore, conditions that may bring about hyperhidrosis are;

A. Anxiety– Anxiety disorder is brought about by a feeling of too much worry, fear, and anxiety. The symptoms experienced are;

  • Too much worry.
  • A lot of fatigue.
  • Intrusive thought.

B. Hyperthermia– This is where the body gets overheated due to exposure to too much heat. You experience symptoms such as;

  • The body gets dehydrated.
  • High body temperatures.

C. Hypothyroidism– This is where your body temperatures rise resulting in sweating. So, it happens because of too much production of hormones by the thyroid gland in the neck. The symptoms are;

  • Too much sweating.
  • Loss of weight.
  • Feeling nervous.

D. Flu– Flu is common and triggers the behavior of the body, therefore, causing sweating. However, flu can also be deadly, especially in high-risk groups. The symptoms of flu are;

  • Pain in the muscles.
  • A feeling of head congestion
  • Pain in the lower parts of your body, that is the extremities.

E. Menopause.

When a woman gets to her 40s and 50 years of age, there is a decline in her reproductive hormones. Therefore, the behavior of the body changes. She starts to experience;

  • Too much sweating.
  • An end to the monthly period.
  • Reduced hair on her scalp.

Home remedies for sweat.

You can try to manage excessive sweating at home through some strategies such as;

  • Limit or avoid taking some foods. People who experience hyperhidrosis should avoid the consumption of foods such as spicy foods, caffeine, and alcohol.
  • Avoid deodorants. Deodorant only masks the smell of sweat. Therefore, you should try using antiperspirants that reduce sweating.
  • Track the symptoms and record them. This may help you identify the triggering agents and situations, and help you avoid them.
  • Avoid working out when it is too hot.
  • Hydrate properly.
  • Wear light loose clothes that are weather friendly.

Ways to reduce sweat on the feet.

  • Wear open shoes when you can.
  • Apply antiperspirant mostly at night.
  • Avoid wearing socks more than once before washing.
  • Wear socks that allow proper circulation of air.
  • Ensure you wear shoes that are completely dry.
  • Wear shoes made of natural materials to allow air circulation.
  • Dry your feet properly before putting on socks.

However, whenever sweating goes to an extreme level, ensure you seek medical advice from trained personnel.

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