Why use anesthesia, Types, Stages, and effects?

Anesthesia images

Anesthesia involves some medications used in a hospital set up to put you in the sleeping mode so that doctors can easily perform surgery or any medical procedure. This medication numbs parts of your body parts so that during the procedure, no pain comes about. In addition to this, you are not able to move some parts of the body. A person is sometimes unable to see clearly what is happening or is unconscious.

Uses of Anesthesia

Anesthesia uses
  • It prevents patients from feeling pain during a procedure for example surgery and dental involving tooth removal.
  • With the help of anesthesia, people live long and healthy after the medical procedure.
  • In addition to this, a person who has been put on anesthesia does not need muscle relaxation. The work of anesthesia is fully getting the person back to where they were before performing the surgery.

Why an anesthesiologist checks the tongue before surgery?

The main reason why the tongue needs checking before performing surgery is to identify whether there are loose teeth. This may lead to loss of teeth or damage them which means they will need to be extracted. In addition to this, they always check on the airway structure controlling damage and movement and sense of feeling of the tongue.

Types of Anesthesia.

There are 4 types of anesthesia namely;

A. General

In this type of anesthesia, a patient feels no pain before surgery as they are put into a deep sleep. The patients feel no movement nor any touch around them. It is a combination of intravenous drugs and gases which a patient inhales.

B. Regional

Regional anesthesia involves numbing a large part of the body in which the operation is being carried out. This is mostly on the lower part of the body from the waist.

C. Combined General and Epidural

With a combination of general and epidural anesthesia, operations resulting from impairments of tumors in the immune system are easy. In addition to this, the use of this anesthesia quickens the resumption of the function of the intestines.

D. Monitored Anesthesia Care on Conscious Sedation

Under the monitored anesthesia care on conscious sedation, a patient is fully aware of what is happening around them. They get the injection through an IV into the skin area and muscle in which the surgery is going to be.

Stages of anesthesia

There are four stages of anesthesia namely;

  • Induction-This involves the time in which one takes the medication and before that takes effect into effect making a patient sleep.
  • Delirium stage- This stage involves excitement that kicks in as a result of the drug. A patient starts smiling and even engaging in different conversations by being active.
  • Surgical anesthesia- During this stage, the procedure is effective to run. The body muscles are in a relaxed mood. In addition to this, the eyes stop moving, and breathing stops for a short while
  • Overdose- In this stage, a patient may delay in regaining consciousness and needs monitoring of the blood pressure and heartbeat rate.

Side Effects

  • Persistent headaches
  • Body aches and pain in muscles.
  • Patients from surgery often shiver and feel cold.
  • Feeling sickly
  • Feeling itchy on the part operation was.
  • Swelling of the legs and eyes.

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