What is Laryngocele? causes, diagnosis, Treatment


Laryngocele is a disorder that results from the mucus membrane as a result of the opening of the airway sac leading to large enlargements. These appear as smooth, oval-shaped with less density through the scan. When too much mucus fills the cavity, they become infected. In addition to this, some pain arises from the inflammation. This is noticeable when one coughs or tries to speak and there is pain that comes with it.

Is Laryngocele cancerous?

Laryngocele is among the leading causes of laryngeal cancers. This confirmation arises from previous operations done that the patient’s ventricles suffering from this type of cancer were deeper than those of normal patients.

Causes of Laryngocele

Laryngocele image
X-ray image of laryngocele

This disease is common in men in their 50’s and 60’s of age.

  • The leading cause is chronic coughs that take time to fully heal after treatment. The strenuous coughing over a long period of time leads to overstretching of the vocal cords on the throat. In addition to this, such high sounds lead to an expansion of the throat leading to infection.
  • Blowing musical instruments is also another cause. Blowing such instruments, for example, trumpets. There is air forced out through the throat and this also leads to overstretching.
  • Some people are born with this condition. However, if such a case happens, treatment happens just right after birth.
  • An existing tumor is also a leading factor in this condition.
  • Glass blowing is the blowing air into a semi-molten glass by using a lengthy tube.


  • Frequent pain in the airway especially when talking or coughing
  • A hoarse voice is heard most of the time.
  • Inflammation of the neck from the external part due to the straining brought about by airway openings.
  • In addition to this, snoring is also one of the signs one should watch out for. However, the severity varies depending on the type.
  • Frequent blocking of the airway is also a leading symptom.

Traditional Treatment

The traditional treatment was using a scalpel or a sharp knife/ laser tool in cutting to remove the growth of the tissue on the outer part of the body. Through this, the part in which it was cut was left to heal after some period of time.

Advanced Treatment

This usually involves a combination of micro laryngoscopy and Carbon dioxide laser. The thin tubes with a video lens and camera directly check the problems arising from swallowing or changes in voice. In addition, they also tell the main causes of bad breath, cough, or persistent throat pain.

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