What is Viral hepatitis, signs, and symptoms?

Viral hepatitis

Viral Hepatitis refers to liver inflammation. Viral hepatitis is transferable from one person to another. Inflammation is the reaction of tissue from an injury which can result in pain and swelling. Types of viral hepatitis include,

  1. Hepatitis A– According to reports cases of hepatitis A infections were about 2,007 in 2016 in the united states. This type of hepatitis has no complications. However, few deaths have occurred from hepatitis A due to liver failure whereas others require a liver transplant. However, hepatitis A can be prevented by vaccination.

2. Hepatitis B– New cases of around 22,000 were reported in 2017 in the U.S. The earlier hepatitis B is contracted the more likely it is for it to last for more than six months. A person can carry the virus without feeling sick, and also spread it. So, a vaccine can be administered for prevention.

3. Hepatitis C– One of the most common causes of liver diseases is hepatitis C. A percentage range of 75% to 85% of hepatitis C patients is most likely to develop a liver infection. However, hepatitis C does not have a vaccine yet.

4. Hepatitis D-It is most likely to be transmitted to people who are infected by the hepatitis B virus. If a person is vaccinated against hepatitis B protection chances are higher of contracting the hepatitis D virus.

5. Hepatitis E– It is mostly spread by the intake of food and water that contains contamination. Currently, no vaccines have been brought into existence.

In most cases, hepatitis patients recover. However, it is still a serious health risk as it has the following effects,

  • Destroys the liver tissues.
  • Spread easily among people.
  • It causes the weakening of the body’s immune system.
  • Causes liver cancer.
  • Can cause death.


This illness is brought about by a virus that can is either acute or chronic. Acute mostly refers to where the disease lasts for a period of less than half a year while chronic goes for a period of more than a year. However a person can contract it in the following ways,

  • Through sexual intercourse with an infected person.
  • Direct contact with blood containing the infection.
  • Spread from mother to unborn child.
  • Direct contact with infected body fluids.

Signs and symptoms of viral hepatitis.

Viral hepatitis liver effects
  • Dark urine.

This indicates the presence of dangerous waste in the body system. It may also indicate the presence of bile in the urine.

  • Jaundice.

This is a condition whereby the skin becomes yellow and the eyes whiten due to high levels of bilirubin.

  • Pale stool.

The clay-colored stool is an indication of problems in the biliary system. The biliary system is known to be the drainage system of the liver, pancreas, and gallbladder.

  • Pain in the joints.

In most cases, the joints are painful and stiff. Therefore, it may be an indication of hepatitis.

Treatment and prevention of hepatitis.

Monitoring liver function is one of the recommended treatments for hepatitis. An earlier-diagnosis case is easier to cure by getting a dose of the vaccine. Drugs may be given to treat chronic hepatitis B. Additionally, a person can prevent hepatitis by,

  • Having protected sex.
  • Reducing alcohol intake.
  • Avoiding areas with poor sanitation.
  • Do not share needles.

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