What is Meningococcal? Symptoms, and Treatment?


Meningococcal disease refers to a bacteria infection where both the nerve membranes and the spine are swollen and painful. This disease is a combination of both meningitis and septicemia.

Causes of Meningococcal Disease

The meningococcal disease comes in the following ways;

  • May arise from viruses that result from mild stomach infections, and you ignore treating them.
  • The mumps virus from the saliva of an infected person through coughing or sneezing on utensils that another person may use.
  • A bacteria that causes pneumonia is known as the pneumococcal virus which leads to lung inflammation.

Signs and Symptoms

Meningococcal disease

Below are the signs and symptoms of meningococcal disease;

  • A patient suffering from Meningococcal has a high fever.
  • High breathing patterns in a patient and confusion state in appearance.
  • The skin looks pale and dehydrated
  • Headache which is a result of a high fever in the patient.
  • There are pains in the joints that a patient experiences.
  • Bright lights in a room or outside the open environment are always irritating
  • Rashes are present in some patients as a result of inflamed membranes. They might even rupture causing some spots.
  • The patient dislikes most foods due to nausea and may end up throwing up if they ingest the food.
  • The neck does not easily move from side to side.

Prevention and Treatment.

  • There are vaccines that are often administered to prevent further damage to the disease if the patient contracts it. It is also offered to babies, especially under the age of 2 years in single or double doses.
  • Getting a shot of pneumonia vaccine to prevent the virus from further body damage.
  • Getting regular body checkups of the infections and thoroughly treated.
  • Observing a high cleanliness rate, especially on utensils, and practicing safe water drinking. Every person should always cover their mouth while sneezing or coughing.

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