What is a Diastema? Causes, and prevention.


Diastema is a gap between the front teeth. Incisors are the name of the front teeth. The gap is either big or small. Diastema is very common in people. Interestingly, people find it very cute to have this gap. Many people believe that it is a sign of beauty. A diastema occurs in both adults and children. It can be at any part of the tooth. However, it is mostly at the front of the teeth. These gaps are heredity. This means they are passed on from a family member.

What causes a Diastema?

There is no exact cause of diastema. However, there are factors that bring this gap. They include;

  • The size of the teeth and jaws. Gaps form when the person has small teeth for the jaw. This makes the teeth very spaced. In addition, when the person has a very big jaw bone in comparison to the teeth.
  • Little children that suck their thumbs. Sucking brings pressure to the teeth therefore this pulls the teeth forward.
  • A very huge tongue.
  • Tissue overgrowth. This results in the teeth separating. This, therefore, causes a gap.
  • An infection that affects the gum. This infection is a disease of the gum. The gum swells which destroys its tissues. It leads to loss of tooth and a gap.
  • Swallowing food the wrong way. When children do not swallow their food correctly, the tongue pushes the front teeth. This is not dangerous. However, when the pressure is too much, it separates the teeth.


The dentist checks the patient’s medical history. The dentist also checks the size of the teeth. Oral checkups also happen.

Is a diastema treatable?


It is not a must to treat a diastema. This just depends on its cause. The cause can be a gum condition. The different types of treatments include;

  • Wearing braces. Braces usually have wires that have a lot of pressure on the teeth. This moves the teeth back together. Some braces are put at the front of the teeth where they are seen. However, some braces are put behind the teeth. Other patients prefer this.
  • Veneers. A veneer is a layer of material that is thin. It is put at the tooth’s surface. This fills the gap in the teeth.

Nonetheless, if the gap is a result of gum infection, patients should receive treatments to stop the infections. A perfect example is scaling. This removes plaque that forms in the gum. therefore, it removes the bacteria that cause the disease.

How can we prevent Diastemas?

However, people who prefer treatments, get to have very beautiful smiles. Preventing some diastemas is impossible. Nevertheless, there are ways in which we can prevent the risk of a diastema. They include;

  • Stop children from sucking their thumbs. This is from a very young age.
  • Please brush your teeth at least twice a day.
  • In addition, use of dental floss.
  • Make sure to have often dental checkups.
  • Visit a dentist to clean your teeth regularly.
  • Lastly, please swallow food properly.
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