Health and Beauty

What is diphtheria, its causes, and prevention?

Diphtheria which is pronounced as( dif-theer-e-uh) is a bacterial infection that affects parts of the nose and throat. Due to its widespread vaccination, few cases are reported in developed countries but a high number of cases in developing countries. However, […]

Health and Beauty

What is gonorrhea, its symptoms, and its causes?

Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease that infects both genders. The most affected parts are the urethra, throat, and rectum. However, the cervix is mostly affected in females. It is spread through sexual intercourse in adults and in infants during […]

Health and Beauty

Most Common Old Age Health Problems, Signs.

Old Age Health Problems are several and common. Old age is in the group of people who are from 60 years. There are certain health problems that arise when one grows older. In addition, these problems are sometimes hereditary or […]

Health and Beauty

What is pseudomonas? causes, and effects.

Pseudomonas is a bacteria mostly found in the environment. The bacteria survive mostly in moist environments. A warm and wet environment is a breeding area for bacteria. People with weak immune systems and those in hospital for surgery are more […]

Health and Beauty

What is dysentery? types, causes, and prevention

Dysentery is also known as bloody diarrhea. In some cases, it contains mucus whereby is brought about by parasites, germs, and gut irritation from chemicals. Dysentery patients only experience light signs that vanish after a few days. However, if one […]

Health and Beauty

What Diseases are Related to Poor Nutrition?

There are many diseases related to poor nutrition. Therefore, following the best nutrition as one grows older is important. This is because body tissues wear out and needs repair and replacement from time to time. This means that one’s choice […]

Health and Beauty

What is pertussis, its signs, and symptoms?

Pertussis is also known as whooping cough. It is an infection that affects the respiratory system and spreads easily from one person to another. Most people identify it as a bad cough that is followed by sudden breathing. Before the […]

Health and Beauty

Cystic Fibrosis, Complications, and Treatment.

Cystic Fibrosis is an inherited disease that affects humans and is fatal. The lungs and digestive parts of the human parts of your body are the ones in which major effects occur. In addition, the disease affects cells producing mucus, […]

Health and Beauty

What is Methicillin? Risk factors and Symptoms.

Methicillin is also known as Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus ( MRSA). It is an infection caused by a type of bacteria that has opposed many antibiotics used in the treatment of normal staph infections. Most infections happen to people working in […]

Health and Beauty

How does Ketogenic Diet Work? Pros, and Cons

A ketogenic diet is a diet containing more fats and low-carbohydrates/sugars quantities in one serving. The breaking down of fats forms molecules also known as ketones. After breaking these molecules, blood circulation occurs and mixes with the molecules and this […]

Health and Beauty

What is tetanus, its types, and its symptoms?

Tetanus is a nervous affecting disease that is caused by a toxin-producing bacterium. The disease affects the muscles, especially the jaw and the neck. It is also referred to as lockjaw. No cure has been found yet for tetanus. Treatment […]

Health and Beauty

What is pink eye infection, signs, and symptoms?

Pink eye infection is also known as conjunctivitis. This is a condition that covers the white part of the eyeball and also lines the eyelid. The conjunctiva becomes reddened and the small blood vessels become more visible. Therefore, this makes […]

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