balance diets
Health and Beauty

What is a balanced diet? groups and benefits.

A balanced diet gives the body nutrients that it needs to function properly. Without a balanced diet, the body is prone to diseases. In addition, viruses and infections also attack the body. Children that do not get enough healthy foods […]

Health and Beauty

What is Irritable Bowel Syndrome? and treatment.

Irritable bowel syndrome(IBS) is a disorder that affects the large intestines. This disease affects between 6 and 18% of people in the world. The disorder changes the form in which the bowel moves. The symptoms are different for different people. […]

Health and Beauty

What are Dental Cavities or Dental Caries?

Dental cavities are holes in the tooth that develops when the harder part of the teeth wears down. The hard outer layer of the tooth is the enamel. Acid wears the enamel down. Cavities are among the most common health […]

Health and Beauty

What is Stock? Ingredients, and preparation.

Stock is the basis of all meat sauces, gravies, soups, and purees. It is just the flavor of the meat. Extracting by long and gentle simmering, or the infusion of flavor from ingredients such as fish. In making stock, remember […]

Health and Beauty

Miscarriage, types, causes, and prevention.

A miscarriage is the loss of a baby before the 20th week of pregnancy. It may occur before a mother knows she is pregnant. In addition, it occurs when the fetus does not develop normally. Most people experience cramps during […]

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