What is Surrogacy? requirements, and its effects?

Surrogacy exercise

Surrogacy refers to the process whereby a person gets to carry out a pregnancy on behalf of someone else. This may be because the person has fertility-related issues or just wishes not to carry the pregnancy. It is a common practice in Kenya, especially among the age group 35-50 years.

Requirements in Surrogacy

A person is said to be a qualified surrogate mother if they have attained a few set standards by the family that requires their service. The following are some of the requirements;

  • The age set is 21-40 years.
  • The surrogate mother should have at least carried a successful pregnancy before to term.
  • The surrogate mother should have had a pregnancy that was free from complications before.
  • A few tests are done to determine whether the mother is fit to carry the pregnancy including their BMI.
  • Inherited genetic conditions are also looked into such as diabetes, asthma, and blood pressure.
  • The surrogate mother must not be breastfeeding at the time of pregnancy and have a complete cycle before starting the journey.
  • A surrogate must not have multiple C-Section scars of previous pregnancies.
  • The surrogate mother must be willing to adopt healthy habits. They should avoid drug and alcohol abuse.

The surrogate family decides where the surrogate mother will reside during the pregnancy period with safety being the top priority. Most prefer to have a selected center where doctors are onboard and food and other chores that are done are taken care of. Payment may be done on monthly basis or after the entire period of carrying the pregnancy.

Health Risks in Surrogacy

A child born through surrogacy
A child born through surrogacy

The following are some of the health risks associated with it. They vary from person to person. However, some mothers do not get to experience any of them.

  • A surrogate mother might lose their unborn due to various issues that might have not been keenly identified during the tests or maybe were ignored as they sounded not so serious.
  • The surrogate mothers’ reproductive system might be damaged either during childbirth or during pregnancy.
  • Most mothers may develop high blood pressure during the period and this may majorly affect them which is known as gestational diabetes.

Due to emotional attachment during the pregnancy period between the surrogate and the child, the mother might end up suffering from psychological trauma after separating from the child after birth. It is however not reversible since legal documents have to be signed by both parties with the help of a lawyer. Some families however always allow the surrogate mother to visit the child as often as they can. The pay range is between Ksh 600,000 to Ksh 1 million in Kenya.

Being a surrogate is a blessing to a family that has been having challenges in childbearing! Make them smile today!

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